Monday, July 10, 2017

Last Week of April

Melissa's Baptism!!!

Picture of us from the car, rainbow in the background

An early dinner with the Dias Family, only Brother Dias( in the blue) is a member

Dear Family!

This week has had quite the number of fun exciting missionary experiences once again! Oh what joy fills my heart to be serving out here! Definitely the time is coming to an end, but it's time to make time count even more than it ever has. I am blessed to have Elder Chamberlain as a companion right now, we are working hard together, having a great time.

Monday night was a great representation on how the week went. After dinner we went to an area where we had a set appointment with a Sheronica. She wasn't home so we knocked doors until the end of the night. After knocking 50+ doors we had one person answer the door, and they weren't happy to see us. Regardless of that, before we started to knock a section out we talked with a lady on the street that was on a walk. We taught her the Plan of Salvation and it went pretty well. From what we could tell she really enjoyed it. Sadly she lives over in Virginia and didn't want to give an address or number.

Tuesday after District Meeting I went down with Elder Buchanan in White Plains on exchanges. We had our companion study and found a priest to come out with us so we could try to get into single lady investigators homes to teach. We finally were able to get one out, he leaves on his mission Wednesday, but everyone we had to check on wouldn't answer the door. After that for a few hours we took him home and had the last appointment of the night with the Labtic family. Their son is investigating the gospel and we had the opportunity to finish teaching him the lessons. Afterwards Brother Labtic asked if I could read notes and watch the video to see why!

Thursday Morning we met with Evelyn (the same lady who we helped move a couple of months ago) She had her reverend friend over and it took some self control to not unleash the Baptist Bashing that the friend may or may not have been trying to provoke. But they love and respect us. They called us Evelyn's Angels because we came into her life at a time of need thinking the Lord put us there to help her move. But they will soon find out the Lord had bigger plans for her.

Afterward in the afternoon we were out tracting for 3 1/2 hours during the dead of the day. With continued faith we kept talking and knocking. After a quick pit stop we talked with this guy doing his lawn, and guess what?! Nothing. But he pointed over to a neighbor when we asked if he knew anyone who could use this message. We went to talk to this neighbor and he was listening pretty intently but tried taking the route of "Oh I'm already Christian, no thanks." But I pestered him some more and we got into a great discussion of the gospel and we pray he gives us a call. His name was Leonard. Pronounced Leo~Nard.

Friday we had a member present lesson with Erica. Brother Dias came and shared his testimony as we taught. It was way nice to have a member who knew where we were trying to take the lesson. (He returned from his mission last year) Afterward he asked if we could help with some service. We helped him and it was a great day to serve! That night we were invited to the Beezer home for dinner. They already are in the swing of things. We invited them to do the new member things and it was a great visit with them. Truly a blessing to be able to be part of their conversion.

Saturday we scurried to put everything needed together for the baptism that was that day. Melissa arrived early with her family and it was great to see Brother Smith dressed in white ready to baptize his daughter. This is the best part of being a missionary! Seeing the happiness that comes from entering into our first covenant. It has been a blessing to be part of this process as well. This is a great family and has truly been a pleasure to work with them. 

That night we had an appointment with Fortinat, a guy from the Congo. He seems pretty ready for the gospel. He accepted a conditional baptismal date of the 27th in May, he seems willing to work towards that day. We were pretty up front with him, the first thing we did was talk about baptism and it was the right choice. I was sad when we weren't able to find him a ride to church on Sunday.

This was because Sunday was a power house. Sister Garvin talked about the power of Service and Brother Harris talked about the Power of the Book of Mormon. He laid everything down and out, the spirit was so strong in that Sacrament meeting. It was a great service. Then following it up Brother Aguila shared an experience of what happened that morning and how since he was living the word of Wisdom for the day he was able to be attuned to the spirit. Then following it up at Why I Believe. Mason Wells came and spoke at the Visitor Center. He was a victim of the Bombing in the Brussels Airport last year. He bore a strong testimony and it was just a powerful day for me!

I hope everyone has had a great week as well!

Elder Bentley 

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