Thursday, October 20, 2016

October 10th

This is us with Sister Missouri. She got us ravens and oriole's ties because she likes us. She told us we needed to wear them.

Me and Elder Mellen

Dear Family! 

Well this week has been a really great week! We had some great experiences that will be cherished for a very long time!

Last P-day we were tired of sitting around the apartment so we went bowling. It was a pretty great activity for our Preparation day. When we got there the lady said we could bowl for a discounted price, we had planned on 2 games. We had a little competition as we bowled also which made it enjoyable. As we went to pay to leave the lady told us that it was on the house! Blessings of bowling!

Elder Mellen and I went out finding Tuesday after lunch. As we were walking down a street his knife fell out of his pocket into the drain. I told him I could get it out, so after fastening a magnet to some string I fished it out. Tuesday night we had to give our car to the other elders so they could go to a training meeting. We were left with our bikes to ride home. As we rode home a guy got mad at us for riding our bikes, but there wasn't anything either of us could do.

Wednesday we got to spend doing an errand for the mission office. We spent that morning weekly planning before Brother Klecz came and picked us up. There was a new couple moving in for some archive work and they needed a bed. We had a queen at our apartment and was asked by the office to get it down to the apartment. It was a highlight because everything Brother Klecz says just makes you laugh. We got everything finished and had dinner with the Harmon family.

Thursday Elder Randall K. Bennett from the seventy came and visited our mission. It was really an amazing experience. He stood in front of us talking about what and how we could be better missionaries. His whole talk rekindled and relight the fire of missionary work in my soul! After seeing the spirit work throughout the meeting, we got out and did some work. We met with our investigator Elizabeth afterwards and talked to her about the importance of the Book of Mormon. We read some of Alma's words to his son Coriantum to help her see the importance. That night she sent us a picture of her daughter bringing up the Book of Mormon to have her read it! Miracles do occur!

Saturday we were out and picked up our newest investigator Jeremy. He's the first new investigator that we have been able to pick up for a while. We were checking on a row of homes to do some finding, his was the last home on the street and he invited us in. We had a nice quick lesson with him because his father was wanting him to help out his mom. We finished up and set a return appointment for this Monday!

Also as we were out on Saturday we stopped at a rehab center to check on a lady from a ward up north. She had surgery and is inactive but wanted a blessing. It was strange because as we got there and were wheeling her to her room for the blessing, a crazy lady thought we were taking her. She fell into tears pleading with us to not take her. Then on our way out was trying to "pick us up" she was talking to a group of older ladies and said to them "shhh! I'm going to go pick up some young guys" ( we walk past) "oh young guys!" It was a very crazy trio to say the least. We left her with a prayer and got on our way.

I was reading in Mosiah 20 this last week. It talks about the tower and how Limhi and his people were protected because they could see the dangers lurking outside. That's much like our prophet. We had this amazing opportunity to hear from the head of our church and it's up to us to apply their talks everyday!  I know it's from our Heavenly Father and it's what we need to hear!

Elder Bentley

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