Dear Family!
Well this week was a bit slower than I would have liked it, but we got to watch conference at the end of it so I'm not complaining!
Tuesday I went on exchange with Elder Haggard. There are lots of missionaries that don't really like him or get along with him. But as we went on our exchange with each other I got to see how loving he really is towards others. He has a very focused mind and heart so he's constantly going and going. We were driving down a pretty busy road as he pulls across trafic to talk to a guy who was on his bike. It was kind of scary, but the talking with the guy was worthy it.
Thursday Evening we got to go visit our investigator Elizabeth. At our last visit, we had invited her to pray daily. When we went into this visit with her we had the goal of inviting her to read the Book of Mormon. She has a 3 year old named Gwen, who is constantly running around wanting to play. Elder Mellen occupied her so I could teach Elizabeth with no distractions. We talked about the Book of Mormon, the stories that are in there, and the things we need to do to gain a testimony of it. She seemed pretty content with the invitation to read and pray so we hope she will do so!
Friday was a slow day, our car needed an oil change. Every time we got into it it would beep at us for a while. We called the vehicle coordinator who told us to take it into a firestone. We hated to have to take it in, but now it's fully functional and gets us where we need to go. We had a bible referral to stop by. It was this older Asian man named Kaw. I guess he is a reverend in his church so we also gave him a Book of Mormon. We were trying to ask him questions about himself and if he wanted to learn more, bit there was definitely a language barrier there. We will go back and see if we can teach his children though.
Saturday morning we got up and helped Elizabeth move some things out of her storage. The catch was when we were finished we would all go down and watch General Conference. It was definitely worth it to get her there. She seemed to enjoy the session. We decided that we wanted to watch the Second Session at home so that's what we did. The Branch had a Priesthood Pizza social before the priesthood Session. It made me miss going out to dinner afterwards with dad and the brothers.
Something from Conference, in Kazuhiko Yamashita's address he talked about being ambitious for Christ! Within his address he said, "Serving Jesus really is the best thing ever." Well I'm here to tell you how true that really is! Every day we get to wake up and represent two people. The first is my family. Being able to do this has not only brought joy, but love and respect as well. I'm not representing Bridger, but the wholeBentley name. Second is our Savior Jesus Christ. Through him everything is made possible, as we have faith, remember, serve and believe we are able to overcome,e anything and everything having joy.
Elder Bentley
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