Monday, September 5, 2016

Last Week of August!


Sidewalk Chalk
Dear Family!

This week we had a fun finding activity that we did on Saturday, we took some side walk chalk and we decorated the sidewalk outside of the church building with the plan of salvation. We had it as an open Brooklyn Park thing so the other Elders joined us and the Spanish a Elders came along as well to do it. We didn't really think anything came out of it until Sunday one of the Stake Presidency counsellors pulled us aside and said a guy walked into the church having questions about his purpose so our Stake President jumped in and talked with him and got his information! So success!

Tuesday we had our zone conference, it was awesome seeing the whole zone, but it was even better getting trained further into the Restoration. I saw it really help the new missionaries, to help them see more ways to teach the lessons. We got to listen to other missionaries and got to watch them teach as well. It was a really great zone conference.

Tuesday night/ Wednesday I got to go on an exchange with the Zone Leaders. We switched after zone conference and I got to go down into Annapolis for the next day. We got to go down onto the Naval Academy and teach on of their investigators. We had a great discussion about the first Half of the Plan of Salvation. We talked a lot about Agency and how it is important to the entire plan. It was also pretty cool because we got to walk onto the Yard so that was exciting!

Saturday for dinner a member from the White Plains ward came up here to celebrate her kid's birthday with her grandparents. They took us to Chuck E Cheese so we had a nice pizza dinner with some entertainment and some arcade games with her son. We won a couple of the Jackpots so we totaled 1000 tickets very quickly.

We had a couple of great appointments this week, our first one was with Theo. He has been working with the missionaries a lot and we taught him the Word of Wisdom. He has some strange ideas about a lot of things, but he seemed to take the message pretty well and committed to live it. It was also really cool because he showed up to church. He had slept in but still knew the importance of church so even though he was late he still came.

We also taught Cornbread again. He hasn't progressed any since we saw him on Sunday last week, but he was straight forward about it so that was nice. We taught him the first half of the Plan of Salvation as well. We got there at night so when we were finally able to teach him it was late (8:15ish) and the house was silent. We had a good lesson, the only struggle is Sister Harmon will chime in talking about some warped doctrine so we have to pull the reins back and make sure he understands the truth.

Elder Bentley

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