Monday, September 5, 2016

Happy Labor Day!

Dear Family!

Well this week has been full of some pretty great miracles! The great thing is that it's both the spiritual and physical miracles.

The first one was on Wednesday, we had a pretty great district meeting where we got to do our trainings on recognizing the spirit. It was great and a coincidence because earlier that week I was talking with an Elder in the district who has been struggle recognizing the spirit. He says he just doesn't feel it, but I think he just doesn't recognize it. 

Following that we had an appointment with our new investigator Andrew. He was a former who never heard back from the missionaries and got ahold of us via his boss at work. We had a great lesson with him and he told us he wants to get baptized. Since we didn't have his teaching record on the iPads we had a mini baptismal in review with him just to see where he was at and what was needed for baptism. We taught him some of the last things needed and we have just a few things to work through with him.

Thursday we had a lesson with Theo, he is quite the crazy guy. We listened to him for a good hour going on about everything. We tried to start with "How has keeping the Word of Wisdom been this last week?"  To follow up with him and to get a good lesson in with him. After that I'm pretty sure the next thing we were able to say was "We need to get going." It's either a hit or miss with those appointments. Sometimes we can have a great lesson and others not so much. He was talking about how when he meets with us he feel this burden pressure lifted off and everything is easier to talk to us about.

That night we got to have a great discussion with Sister Bolan about Agency. She fed us while we talked about it and invited her home teacher Brother Cruz as a third male. She really opened up in the discussion and we got onto further principles of the gospel that we will be discussing later with her. Brother Cruz we can always count on to come in with a great testimony and bring the spirit and take the lesson where we want it to go.

Saturday night we got to go see Cornbread and talk about the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ. Sister Harmon kept referring to the Son of God movie because that was something that he could relate back to. When we were leaving they started to watch it again while they could. There is a boy named Jordan who is a nephew or something that's always there, he loves us and that's a connection we want to keep with him. He came to church on Sunday which was great as well! He told people he was there because he promised Elder Bentley he would go.

We had four of our investigators come to church which was a real blessing. Since it was fast and testimony meeting in the branch, that kept things very interesting. Our investigator Pat went up and bore his testimony about the atonement and then got on a rant and off subject so Brother Cruz kindly told him to close. After the meeting we were talking with him and he wants to get baptized as well so wahoo! It was sad to not see Andrew there, but we will get him there!

We got our transfer call outs last night and they were kind of what we were expecting. Elder Mellen and I are staying another transfer together which I am excited for. We have gotten along great and are working really hard in the branch. The other two Brooklyn elders are leaving though which was a surprise. They are the only change in the district this transfer. It's even possible that Elder Bailey could be coming up here to train someone.

Elder Bentley

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