Monday, May 30, 2016


Landry's Baptism

Landry's Baptism

Lnndry's Baptism

All the Elders who taught Landry

Dear Family!

Monday was a great day, well we had p-day which was amazing, but the real miracle was that night. We were eating at Sister Wills' home and she let us invite Diana. She showed up and we shared a great meal, the conversation was great, Sister Wills and Diana were bonding pretty well and she has been in contact since then. She told us some things that she is going through and was asking for some advice, we led her to some conference talks where of she is faithful with it, she will get her answer.

I got to go on exchanges with the Zone Leaders in my area. Elder Cruz came out with me. Since he speaks Spanish and Portuguese as well, we were able to utilize those as we worked. We parked in front of a former investigator and went and checked on a few people by foot, as we were walking we talked with some people, gave out some copies of the Book of Mormon. As we were walking back to the car, we passed some Hispanic ladies who were talking amongst themselves. We said Hola and kept walking to the car. At this point we were in the parking lot and I looked at Cruz and said, "let's go back and talk to those ladies" we got back to where they were and started talking with them. Both were kinda conceded but by the time Elder Cruz testified of the BOM they both accepted copies of it and gave them our numbers.

Thursday night we had Landry's baptism interview late at night. We got permission from president to do it at 9:30 so we were out late. But it was worth it because Landry passed the interview and was good for baptism!

Friday we spent the day preparing for the baptism. He showed up and immediately changed into his baptismal suit, took photos, and was ready to go. He was very enthusiastic about the whole program and we have the whole program on video from Brother Torres. Landry asked me to baptize him, after the ordinance was done we were talking in the changing room and he said he felt a warm hug from our Heavenly Father which was amazing!!!

The following day we got to stop by a less active who I've been trying to get ahold of for months. He wasn't home when we got there, but his wife was. We were talking with her and as we were doing that, I got an impression to asked to see something in their garage. She as more than happy to let us see her husband's car. As we were looking at it he pulled up and talked with us for a bit. He invited us back and we will be going there in a week. Brother Perry at the end of our conversation was pretty excited for our appointment so we are excited with that.

Sunday Landry got confirmed a member, he was just so happy about the whole thing and was super excited. His wife Vita invited us to their sealing in a year, I will still be here for it! The ward mission leader gave a lesson about family mission plans, getting together as a family and setting goals to help others come unto Christ. At the end of the day we got to go to a BYU football fireside. The Navy coach in Meet the Mormons was there and gave a great message. It was a pretty great event.

Thought for the week,
Inviting people to do things can be very intimidating. We all are afraid of rejection, especially when we are inviting our close friends and family to learn about the gospel. But if you think about Christ, while he was on earth he invited people everyday to do things. If you think about how many followers he had compared to the world at that time, less than 1% of people followed him. Think about the church today, with 7 billon people, our church has 15 million members. That's less than 1%. So since people didn't follow Christ, does that make his a bad teacher or a failure? No! So when we invite people to things and they say no, does that make us failures? No! We are beyond successful at the work in these latter days when we realize that having the courage to act on the promptings of the spirit to invite people makes us successful. So why is there fear of rejection? Us inviting them in itself is a success.

Elder Bentley

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