Monday, February 22, 2016

Freezing Rain in DC

Elder Bentley, Betsy, Alex, Elder Woodis

Eating dinner at Lulu's house
Dear Everyone!

Well this has been another one of our fun filled weeks. We are still trying to work on our investigator pool, but other than that we are rocking it up! 

Monday we had a storm warning so we were stuck inside our apartments. We were allowed to leave by foot, but we couldn't drive and members couldn't drive us. We got bored and bused to Chick fil a for lunch and then bused home. We had an appointment with Betsy Monday night so we bused to the nearest station and walked to her house. The only problem was we had had freezing rain so everything was icy to walk on! We made it to her home, talked about family history, and bused home.

Tuesday we had our zone district meeting, but we weren't able to go to the farm. We did however spend the day contacting less active members and ran into a member who wants to get sealed so it looks like we will be working with them. They fed us because Elder Woodis said we hadn't eaten since lunch so she fed us. We also got yelled at by some in active members who don't want the missionaries to come over, but it was a great situation because they don't want their names removed, but don't want anyone stopping by. 

Thursday we were out checking on less actives again and stopped by Sister Moss' home. She is an older Philippino  lady  who thought we were her grandson so we knocked and she told us to come in. To her surprise it was the missionaries. She decided since we were already in she would talk with us. We had to leave for an appointment but she invited us back for lunch on Saturday next week. We are excited to go to that because we've heard she makes great food!

Saturday we had interviews with President Cooke. My interview with him was pretty great, he told me to take off my tie, he then retied it the way he likes it and told me I should keep it like that. He's a pretty funny guy. We got out of our interviews and Betsy called us saying her mother in law was in the hospital so we drove down there to give her a blessing. After the fact, we talked with her Sister in laws about missions and such. We had dinner that night at Ledo's pizza, I only bring that up because it was pretty good pizza.

Sunday night we had Why I Believe, Betsy drove us down there with Alex, so we could talk about missions with him. The speaker was Fiona Givens, she gave a great talk and mentioned some things we hadn't covered with Betsy, so on the car ride home we tried our best to explain those concepts to her. As we were leaving she said she was excited to go to the temple some day, so all that means is we need to get her husband to church!

I hope everything goes well for everyone this coming week!
Love, Elder Bentley

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