We got to spend the morning at Dr. Prince's. He is an amazing man! He let my play his piano, it is a Blüthner (or something like that) there are 8 of them in the world and they are so very expensive. But he let me play it! He has the largest church history library outside of the church. It was such a great visit with him.
The room that it is in is built specially for the piano, it projects it's sound though out the entire house!
~Elder Bentley
Dear Family!
This week has been such an amazing week! So with no further delay, I will just get into the letter!
Tuesday was our Seneca Zone Conference. There we got to listen to President and Sister Cooke talk with us about not only our mission lives, but also with what is going on in the outside world. President Cooke really impressed on the topic of baptism. He wants us all to invite people to be baptized during our first lesson with them. It emphasizes it in Preach my Gospel, so it was nice to have a great reminder to do so. Sister Cooke talked about the birth of Christ, she shared with us some of her great insight on the Shepard. Following that conference, we went up to the farm and sharpened chainsaws, then we also did the writing.
Wednesday we had planned to go and visit a bunch of Referrals that we had received from the Festival of Lights. It happened to be that we had no luck with any of them because they didn't open their doors or answer their phones. We then thought to go and talk to a member who said she had a referral for us. She never called us back but her mom was there and took us up to go and have a lesson with him. His name is Igor and he is on date for January 16. He is such a great guy and now has the opportunity for the gospel. There are also those who live with him that want to learn as well.
Thursday morning we helped move some furniture into the investigators house that members of the ward wanted to donate. It was such a great time carrying a couch up a 4 story apartment. That night was spent with the bishops son going on exchanges to his home teaching appointments.
Friday we were able to go up to the Festival of Lights again. It was a great choir from Baltimore that sang, except that our member didn't show up. We still had a great time listening to them. We had an appointment at 4 except that he wasn't home. His daughters were locked outside of the home from school. We talked with them and got to know them, asked about their family and school. Then we started to show them little magic tricks and next thing we know is that there are tons of neighbor kids wanting to see more and more. Their dad returned home, but by that time we had to get to our next appointment.
This weekend was the stake conference and Elder Evans of the Seventy presided. They were great sessions and there was lots to be learned. Finishing off the week we went up to The Festival of Lights again with an investigator named Jason. He has tons of questions that we will answer at our next appointment with him!
A flash drive will do great. Thank you so very much. We will have the time to skype on Christmas Day. It will probably be later in the day for me. We spend most of the day up at the Visitor's Center. President told us to Skype after that or when we find time that day. So I'll keep you posted for that. As for Christmas stuff, we have an iPad mini 2. And those thing you said were correct except for ear muffs, I would like a pair of those. I think I said a small backpack as well. But it is Christmas so surprise me!
~Elder Bentley
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