Tuesday, November 17, 2015

New Area - New Companion


Bridger and Elder Johnson
Dear Family!

This last week has been such a great one with our transfers and with my new area! Monday night we went to go say goodbye to the Yarn family because they have become one of my favorite families this last transfer! They are such a great family, and they are just tons of fun to talk to! I really think the hardest thing about transfers is saying goodbye to all of the close relationships you've grown with people! Whether it be with missionaries in the area or with the members/investigators. It was hard to say goodbye, but I know I will see them all again before I leave my mission.

Tuesday was transfer day, since Archibald was going home, Sister Mays invited us go over to her house to say goodbye to us all! She is such a solid member! While I was there I ate three more peppers which was not as bad as I thought they were going to be! The remainder of the day we had to pack so I got everything packed up to go to transfers! Tuesday night James Lui took us all out to say goodbye, I am very thankful for his willingness to take us to Buffalo Wild Wings!

Wednesday was a nerve racking day for me, I didn't know if I was staying in the zone or not so I was nervous about everything. I told Elder Archibald when they announce my companion to look at me and nod if he was a great guy. So the first set of ZL's go up to the stand for the Seneca Zone, a few areas in they tell me that my new companion will be Elder Johnson and we will serve in Derwood. It was a relief that they called my name so quickly, and Archibald was definitely nodding his head. After we sorted everything out after Transfers, we headed on our way to white wash our area.

We took a while figuring out where we wanted to live, because our area is super big so we could live on either side of the ward and we chose to live with Elders Fitzgerald and Timmerman. They are the French elders and are great guys! The first night in the area Harold Watson called us, he introduced himself and told us who was feeding us for the rest of the week. Harold is quite the guy, haha I would try to explain it but it wouldn't do any justice. 

Thursday was our first full day in the area, we had to finish sorting out our area book and acquiring the investigators, so we spent most of the day trying to do that. We had dinner with the Chaneys and they were a great introduction into the ward! We had ward correlation with Brother Matsen, and come to find out that his nephew is Nick Waters, we went to elementary together and he is a great kid! That was very great to find out. Here Brother Matsen told us about the time suckers in the ward and to have caution around them. Harold was the first one he brought up, and told us to bear with him, but we are afraid that he will get into our way with the other members of our ward. 

Friday and Saturday we spent just visiting members and introducing ourselves and all that jazz. We got to meet some of them and it was very comforting because  all of them are super nice! We had a Pot Luck at the church which is 30 minutes from us and completely out of our area which will be rough getting to and from church, but the church building has the same layout and meeting hall as ours back in Kaysville! It made me kind of homesick, but on the plus side I know where everything is!

Sunday we had church which was great, but we got to go eat at the Bearman's home. They are great members, they gave us ice cream after dinner and holy guacamole do they have tons of ice cream! We had "Why I Believe"  as well and it was nice to see all the friends that I made in the Silver Spring zone! Elder Johnson and I get along greatly and I know that this will be a great transfer!

Elder Bentley

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