Monday, October 5, 2015

Happy Conference!

Dear Everyone! 

This week has been such a great and marvelous week! I guess that I will just start with the first of the week and move throughout the week. This week was an average temperature of about 57 degrees and almost everyday we had rain. 

Monday we had our first zone activity and it was such a blast! We went to a park and basically just played different games/sports and got to know the people in our zone more and have fun. Following the zone activity we just did normal p-day activities like shop and do laundry. That night we went out tracting and it was a night where everyone was just watching T.V. And they don't really answer their door which is frustrating because you know they are right there. 

The highlight of Tuesday was after dinner Elder Archibald and Elder hill went on exchanges because they felt like they needed to have a talk with each other because they both are struggling. It was a down pour that night and since we are not allowed to drive a car until our third transfer Elder Williams and I went out and tracted in the rain and got soaked. We did find this lady, right at 8:30 and she was more than willing to listen to what we had to say. Her mother died a few weeks ago and she had questions about the whole after life. Her name is Japonette and she said she wanted to come to church and even watch conference if she had the time. 

Wednesday was transfer meeting which was very anti climatic because no one in my district is being transferred so we just had to go to the meeting for the free bananas and lupia. Everyone went down to go to lunch at Costco and also to buy bulk items because we were there and had gotten paid so we bought the bulk items. Elder Hill and I also bought a Costco card and split it so we can shop there now. 

On Friday we were supposed to go down and help some elders move out of their apartment and into a different one. There was a leadership training and the zone leaders had to be there but we needed their truck to go and help the move so we got the zone leaders truck. The French elders were with us in the truck because they are in a trio and their companion had to go to the leadership training as well. We spent the day after helping the other elders move with the French Elders taking them to their appointments because they didn't have a car. We sat in the truck waiting for the Frenchies just talking about Halloween. 

This conference weekend was so amazing. This is the first conference weekend where I didn't fall asleep during the sessions. On Saturday we went to the Yarns house and spent the day there helping them put up Halloween decorations and watched conference. I think the line in conference that stuck out the most to me was "there is no darkness so thick that cannot be penetrated by light." -Vern P. Stanfill
That night for priesthood we went to the stake center and had a pizza social before and we went with Brother Yarn to pick up 72 pizzas for that. 

Sunday conference was still just as amazing. It was hard to get a strong enough wifi signal to stream it live in our apartment. But we were finally able to get it and watch it on one iPad. It was hard to watch President Monson's health slowly decrease as his talk went on. After that session of conference we went to the Atkinsons and they had a Super Bowl meal planned for us which was so amazing. It was like lunch dinner and dessert. I liked Devin G Durrant's talk about how we need to set aside money every week. I also loved how he challenged everyone to memorize and ponder one verse a week. I would like to extend that challenge to everyone who reads this. I know that by doing so your life will be blessed and you will find yourself closer to Christ.

I hope that all will go well this coming week and that everyone will be able to apply the conference talks into their lives this week. 

~Elder Bentley

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