Dinner with the senior sisters |
Beautiful Autumn Woods |
Dearest Family!
This has been a very great week. Since we cannot get much work done because of Elder Archibald I try to get the schedule as packed as we can so we can go out and teach members and investigators. This week I have definitely come closer to some of the members just through service and through teaching them and such.
On Tuesday we had the schedule for the day as interviews with President Cooke. We had to be there 20 minutes before our scheduled time with him. We got there around 2 and we found out that everything was 2 hours behind schedule because of the interviews that went long earlier that day. We ended getting home from them at 7. This is where Sister Chinchilla really showed her love for the missionaries as she wanted to take us out for dinner at 5:30 but waited for us to get out of the interviews so we were still able to go and eat at Chick-fil-a with her! That was a be nice thing of her to do. She is an amazing member!
The next day I went out on exchanges with Elder Hill. We got to go into Chevy Chase because he had some skin appointments. (Chevy Chase is right by the Temple in Kensington) We got home in time for lunch and went out back into teaching some of his investigators. That night we had an appointment with a less active who is starting to return to church. His name is Konah and he is a very sweet man. He had a brain injury a few years ago but still is very humble. He has had a rough past but he isn't letting that stop him from coming to church now. We went with a a member to this appointment and as we were reviewing the restoration with him the member jumped to the end so we had to back track which was a great experience.
Thursday I received the package which you sent me! I loved getting all that candy, music, a tie, socks, and my iPod! That you so very much for all of the things in the package! When I opened it at the zone meeting people were baffled at how full it was with candy! Thank you so very much! Thursday after our meetings we went out with the Senior sisters who are in our district to Outback! They paid for us and it was a great experience that we had getting to know them right before one of them leaves since she is done with her mission!
The last thing that I will talk about today will be what we did on Friday. We had lunch with Sister Mays and I ate another Scotch Bonnett pepper so that was such a blast! When she asked if I would like another some other day and I said I would love one she looked at me like I was crazy so that was a great lunch! It is really nice because she has 8 missionaries over every time so we get to bond with each other and with her!
We went and did service for one of the members in our ward. We leveled her yard and put in some garden boxes so that will be cool to see how they turn out. She is a great member! Her husband is not a member but is such a hilarious guy! He is a Druid so that is interesting to see all of the things he has from that!
This week has been a rough one with Archibald but they will get better I know it. It dawned on me this week that the best way for me to still keep my sanity with him is to serve others so I do! I've noticed that as I do I am happier that day and that it is easier for him. Mosiah 2:17 When ye are in service of your fellow being, ye are also in the Service of your God. That scripture is so very true, so I want to invite all who read this letter this week to pray for opportunities to serve others more. As we serve others we will notice that our life is being blessed.
~Elder Bentley