Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Happy Labor Day

Dear Family!

The Weather here in DC has been so very hot, we have been in the 90's most of last week, but the real excitement about that is Elder Archibald and I spent most of last week tracting. It has been a very sweaty week for me, those handkerchiefs really do help a lot with the brow sweat, but everyday this week at the end of our tracting period I have had sweat marks on the rear end of my pants, my clothes have just been drenched and we have had many people this week give us water, even though they didn't want to hear our message which was very kind of them to give us water. This humidity has just been the sweatiest thing ever.

We had a really cool experience this last Tuesday while we were out tracting. We knocked on this first door and there was a lady who said she would be willing to hear our message, but she was just starting to get her kids ready for bed because school started this last week down here. So we will go back this week and visit her, but the house right after that we knocked on and I asked the lady if she wanted to hear our message about Eternal Families. And she said Yes! I had no idea what to do because no one has said yes yet. Luckily Elder Archibald had my back and he jumped in and saved the day. We taught her the plan of salvation at the door and then got her number. Her name is Elsa, yes just like in frozen, she seems like she will really be able to progress so we will go out and teach her! She if African but spent twenty years in France. She is fluent in English so we get to teach her. 

On Thursday we had our typical meetings with the zone, district, and trainer meetings. We talked a lot about the Process of Purification. I will send you a link to the story when I get my iPad here in next few weeks. Everything happens through these iPads and it has been a real hindrance because there is only one to a companionship in the trainers companion ships. The trainees get ours on the 17th so we will be able to have the area book and links that we need to teach. Thursday night we had a lesson with one of the recent converts, Bob, he is such a solid member, 20 years ago some missionaries gave him a Holy Bible and he finally wanted to know more. He really loves this church and wants to spend time serving his new church. At the end of the lesson he offered the most sincere prayer I have heard on my mission. He blesses the children of the world and follows it with "Without you I would have nothing" knowing that Heavenly Father has given us everything. He also asked for opportunities to serve the church so we brought that up in ward council and hope that he gets a calling this next week.

After the lesson with Bob we were riding our bikes around the area and we had a feeling that we should go visit a former investigator named Paris. She is really struggling with her family life and finances. She was taking the lessons a few months ago and she did not want to meet with the missionaries anymore. When that happened she noticed her life took a big turn for the worse. She realized that she had been chastised and told us she wants to keep meeting with us. That was cool because she was really interested in the gospel.

We had a new investigator come to church yesterday with his wife, we jumped on that and made an appointment with him this week and we are spending most of our days now teaching people which I am really excited about! The members in this ward really love the missionaries! We got fed today by the Myers, bless their hearts! They invited 8 elders over to their house for breakfast on some of our Pdays! We are eating alot with the members, we have 7 food appointments with the members this week, two of them are today, and every other day is at night, except for thursday. Typically we have lasagna, spaghetti, chicken and rice, or just whatever they fix, I have been really good about eating it all though! 

Last night Elder Archi and I were going around visiting less-actives, typically none of them answered except for the last one. Her husband let us in and she is a member but he is not. She invited us back for dinner this next tuesday and we are really hoping that she wants to share the gospel with her husband and that is why she invited us back!

Last story, we went to go do family history on Friday because we get an hour of it every week, we have the chance to go do baptisms if we find family names that need to be done! But we were riding our bikes here and before we left Elder Williams told us hid did not know how to ride a bike! So we cancelled all of our tracting plans and spent the day teaching him how to ride a bike, It was a cool experience because we all felt like dads to him teaching him how to ride his bike! Patience is really a virtue.

Hopefully everything goes well at home this week!

Love Elder Bentley!

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