The Elders at their interviews |
Dear Family!
For the sake of this coming Pday which is only in 4 days I decided that I'll only talk about the happenings of last week.
There weren't really too many exciting things that happened this week. It was a slower week but we tried to keep the work going. We visited Vivian on Wednesday and showed her the Restoration film. It was really near because her mom who partially speaks English has been really paying attention to everything that we have been saying so she loved the video. She was even asking questions afterward. The Vogels accompanied us to that lesson and it was just great!
We had Zone Conference the following day. To save on miles we metroed up to the D.C. Stake center. It didn't take too long saying we live right next to a metro stop. When we got to the church building we got started right away. They have been focusing the trainings all on teaching repentance and baptizing converts. I guess they decided repetition is key to drill it into all our heads. We had some great opportunities to practice our teaching so we could get out and apply it into our work!
Saturday we helped one of our investigators move her things into a storage unit. It was great for her to see that this church is a church of service. After we had finished the service we got ready because we had a day out and about with Brother Barnes. Sadly our first lesson cancelled but we were still able to hold the lesson with Will. We taught him the Word of Wisdom and committed him to live it so we will see how that goes for him. The day was planned out perfectly because right after that we had interviews with President Johnson. They went pretty well and we just discussed how the area has been doing.
Sunday Vivian was confirmed a member and she received the Hold Ghost. That was a pretty exciting thing for her to do! That definitely was the highlight for the week. After church we got into a lesson with an investigator named George that was a heated lesson. It ended very well so that is what was important!
That basically sums up the week for us! It has been a pretty long week waiting for a preparation day to sit back and catch up on everything we need to!
Elder Bentley